What Is Your Spirit Song Story?

Do you have a hurt in your life, a longing to do something more, to go deeper, wider, and higher? Change your spirit song story. You won't regret it. It might not look pretty at first, and you may take a step or two backwards now and then. But you can do it. You must do it to become the person you were meant to be, the person God created you to be.

More To Your Life

Do you have a hurt in your life, a longing to do something more, to go deeper, wider, and higher?

Are you a creative person who has done a lot with your creativity but are wanting to change directions?

Maybe you have a shadow career, such as in management, PR, or creating content about music, art, writing, or some other creative expression.

More importantly, is what you’ve done with your life make it feel empty, unfulfilled, or meaningless? You’re looking for a change, a guide, a helping hand towards the desires of your creative heart, a renewal of your spirit song story.

How do you do that? How do you change your life and renew your spirit song story?

Maybe the more important question is why you feel you should do that. Is it that you are questioning your identity, meaning, and purpose for your life, turning over the buried bricks of your existence?

Are you seeking an answer for why God put you on this earth. Are you so frustrated that it doesn’t seem to be working out the way you thought it would?

Next Steps

So now what? What are your next steps? What are you supposed to do?

Do you double down and just try to create more of the same and hope this feeling goes away? Or do you stop, take a deep breath, and say a quick, intensely heartfelt prayer to God for which road to take?

You know how the former route ends, exactly where you are now. Not making any real changes isn’t likely to change your results. You aren’t quite sure where the latter route leads, but you’d like assurances that it will lead you where you want to go without compromising your security, safety, or relationships.

There is little guarantee of that. There is little guarantee of any result along any path. There is always some element of risk, even if you reduce all the risk factors under your control.

Yet if you truly walk by faith and not by sight, then relying on God to take you by the hand and lead your along the scarier path may be all the security, safety, and relationship that you need.
So if you sing, try your hand at playing an instrument, like a guitar or a piano.

If you have only written nonfiction articles and books, try writing a novel.

If you have spent your life recording and producing other people’s music, try writing and self-producing your own.

Or try doodling, drawing simple faces, or making up your own comic strip. Do something, anything, to shake things up, create a little fun and chaos to loosen up your inner child and give him or her some space to be heard.

Be Grateful

If you are still feeling stressed even about that creative chaos, maybe start off with one incremental change at a time. Spend the first minute of your day just being grateful for another day of life, for a new day of possibilities, for the people in your life, and for God’s purpose for your life.

Be grateful for the opportunity each day to explore more about what that is, about something new to create, small or large, about a new topic to research, a new relationship to build, or a new cause to get behind.

You have only one life, so live it the best way you possibly can.

Even though you may have responsibilities to others to support them emotionally, financially, and in other ways, you also have a responsibility to yourself a responsibility to God to fulfill His purpose for you that goes beyond just the daily grind.

This is one way to love God with all that you are and love others as you love yourself.

He has given you this desire in your heart to create something special, unique, and valuable to other members of society.

Yes, some won’t value it. But one person might.

Or two.

Or five, or ten, or twenty, or more.

They need your voice. They need your point-of-view, your convictions, values, and perspectives.

And so do I.

Don’t Wait

So don’t wait another day to do this new thing, take this next step higher, deeper, or broader than ever before. Don’t compare yourself to others, either. Compare yourself to what you were last year or five years ago. It’s a slow uphill climb sometimes. But keep at it.

God is rooting for you. And so am I. And so are others if you dare to get out of your comfort zone even a little bit.

Change your spirit song story. You won’t regret it. It might not look pretty at first, and you may take a step or two backwards now and then.

But you can do it. You must do it to become the person you were meant to be, the person God created you to be.

If you found this article helpful, educational, or meaningful, please share this on social media. Thanks, and have a joyous life journey. SH

Shane Hazlewood is a blogger and songwriter who influences other musicians in their creative, personal, and spiritual pursuits.

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