

What Is Your Spirit Song Story?

Do you have a hurt in your life, a longing to do something more, to go deeper, wider, and higher? Change your spirit song story. You won't regret it. It might not look pretty at first, and you may take a step or two backwards now and then. But you can do it. You must do it to become the person you were meant to be, the person God created you to be.

12 Guitar Songs of Christmas

A Couple Christmas Stories from Taiwan During the Christmas of 1974, my dad recorded a Christmas cassette for our grandparents which included our thank you’s for their presents and our prayers for them.   During the Christmas of 1975, I remember…

Thanksgiving Memories

Thanksgiving seems to be the overlooked holiday between Halloween and Christmas. An American Christian holiday, it’s uncomfortable for non-Americans or people who don’t believe in the Christian God. So it’s understandable.   However, it is still an important holiday because…